Melee in Montpellier: Goals of the Year from Wilshere and Podolski

Voters at anointed Lukas Podolski’s thundering volley against Montpellier in the second leg  as Arsenal’s goal of the season, and rightly so. As goals go, it was sublime, coming from a build-up between Podolski and Giroud that showed a shared ESP, as if each knew exactly what the other would do. So delicious was the goal that Poldi’s celebration consisted simply of shaking his fingers as if he’d just dropped something scalding hot. In a way, he did.

However, in my heart, I vote for Wilshere’s earlier goal in that same game. Sadly, it didn’t even make the top ten, suffering perhaps from a lack of power or theatricality. Most of the goals in the top ten have that element in common. I’ve already written here to explain my position in the subject, if you’re curious. Simply put, Jack Wilshere is, to me, the heart and soul of this club, and I hope he has a long and illustrious career with it. Heck, he’s already been with Arsenal for 12 years in one form or another, amounting to more than half of his 21-year old life. One of my earliest posts paid homage to him and to his potential talismanic symbolism.

As some of you may know, I’m learning how to use Photoshop, which at this point consists of finding tutorials and doing my best to follow them. Many of these, however, assume that the user knows a great deal more than I know, so I freely admit that I’m still barely qualified to call myself a novice. However, it’s rewarding, and it gives me a break from typing or pondering the latest transfer-nonsense. If anyone out there knows Photoshop and would be willing to share tips with me, please do.

Anyone, regardless of Photoshop or other graphic experience, feel free to weigh in. I was going for a 1960’s style boxing promotion poster. Is it any good? What does it need more or less of? What should I change? Be nice, though; I’m a sensitive soul who craves acceptance and schlocky New Age affirmation of my chakras. More seriously, I suffer from red-green color-blindness, so my sense of color is off. If you know the color-codes that Photoshop uses, I’d love it if you could refer to those. I’d appreciate any helpful advice or criticism, though.

Thanks in advance!

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